Prostate cancer topics, links and more. Now at 200+ posts!

News: Health Day, Medical News Today, ScienceDaily, Urol Times, Urotoday, Zero Cancer Papers: Pubmed (all), Pubmed (Free only), Amedeo
Journals: Eur Urol, J Urol, JCO, The Prostate Others Pubmed Central Journals (Free): Adv Urol, BMC Urol, J Endourol, Kor J Urol, Rev Urol, Ther Adv Urol, Urol Ann
Reviews: Cochrane Summaries, PC Infolink Newsletters: PCRI, US Too General Medical Reviews: f1000, Health News Review

Monday, April 2, 2007

Free Monthly Prostate Cancer Magazines and Journals

[updated January 10, 2010]

These are listed in approximate order of usefulness with most useful first. Most are monthlies. Consideration was given to proportion of prostate cancer articles, timeliness and quality or relevance of information to patients. Closely ranked items may not differ materially in attractiveness. Journals for which only some articles are free are given in a separate section at the end.

Other Lists

Another list of free urology journals (our list is more focused on prostate cancer only and also includes non-journals) can be found [here].

Also here are lists of free medical journals (not necessarily in the field of urology):


NIH - Pubmed Central (US)

Biomed Central

Highest Impact Research Sources

Based on 2005 In Cites data, the urology journals not focused on kidney disease which have highest research impact are The same three journals have the highest SCImago Journal & Country (SJR) rank for 2006 among urology focused journals. See [SJR Urology] for the complete list. (This list includes some non-urology journals which we excluded in concluding which were the top three.)

An August 2009 paper [PMC 272388] [PMID: 19672442] lists the [top cited 100 papers in urology]. the [rankings of countries of origin of the top 100 papers], [rankings of institutions of origin of the top 100 papers] and the [most common authors among the top 100 papers].

List of Free Urology Journals and Magazines

Urology Times
Online magazine with excellent articles by urologists. Be sure to at least review the last year's worth of issues.

Top-Rated Newsletters from Support Groups (according to this post)
US Too
Washington DC & Military

BJU International Mini Reviews
Free monthly reviews.

Reviews in Urology
Reviews of recent urology papers. Note that all research funded by the National of Institute Health will be made publicly available through Pubmed Central according to a law signed December 26, 2007 by President Bush. See [link].

PCRI Insights
"Insights is a free educational periodical written to inform you of essential concepts in prostate cancer. In addition to presenting new data and developments, Insights reviews information of landmark importance. All medical articles are fully referenced, and citations are provided for you to investigate further, if you wish. Articles that present opinions or hypotheses are clearly noted as such."

BMC Urology
Free urology journal.

JCO - Journal of Clinical Oncology - Prostate Cancer

Urology Rounds
Not really a magazine or journal but a collection of presentations given by urologists that appears to be updated regularly with new ones.

International Brazilian Journal of Urology
Free urology journal.

PAACT Newsletter
This newsletter only comes out every 3 months but has very interesting patient oriented articles written by urologists.
For example, we have cited a 2006 article on Vitamin D by Dr. Donald Trump was discussed in our post on Vitamin D.

Our Voice
Patient-oriented articles by Canadian urologists and medical personnel.
Our Voice has a new web site where archived copies of past issues can be downloaded. We have previously cited an article by Emmi Champion, a urodynamic nurse, from issue 3(2), in our Urinary Incontinence post and issue 4(1) contains an interesting article by Dr. Tom Pickles on prevention of prostate cancer. There is also a French language version of the magazine at the same link. In addition to the back issues that are available on the site they are also avalable from the Canadian Prostate Cancer Network and procure associated with doctors at the University of Montreal. There is also an archive of some of the notable back articles at the Canadian Prostate Health Council site.

Journal of Andrology
Free urology journal.

Internet Journal of Urology
Free urology journal.

British Journal of Cancer
British Journal of Cancer
Multidisciplinary journal of cancer research that is not specific to prostate cancer but has some relevant papers.

Journal of Robotic Surgery
Not just urology.

Cancer Journal for Clinicians
This journal, published by the American Cancer Society every other month is entirely free and has articles and news on cancer, in general, not just prostate cancer. For example, the article on the 2002 AJCC TNM Staging guidelines references in the Links section to the right in the Guidelines: line comes from this journal.

Canadian Family Physician
Online magazine for general practitioners. Not specifically on prostate cancer but often has excellent review articles. Check last few year's of issues for any urology articles.

Canadian Health Magazine
Free easy-to-read patient-oriented health magazine from the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) issued every other month. Not specific to urology but the feature articles can be on cancer or related topics of interest. For example, November/December 2007 issue has a front page article on "How to Cut your Cancer Risk", the September/October 2007 issue has a feature article on Vitamin D which mentions Holick's 2007 NEJM Vitamin D review. (We had previously posted notes on Holick's review [here].) and the July/August 2007 issue has a feature article on interpreting medical statistics.

Some (but not all) papers are free in the following:

Nature Clinical Practice Urology
A couple of papers each month are free.

BJU International
Urology journal for which articles over 1 year old are free.

European Urology Update
Urology journal for which articles over 1 year old are free.

European Urology
Comments are free (however, these are all referenced and some are nearly as long and as useful as journal articles).

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
Selected articles and all articles 5+ years old are free.

Scandanavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology
(a few free articles)

Endocrinology Journal
About endocrinology but has prostate cancer articles too.

Annals of Internal Medicine
Not a urology journal but there may be relevant material on occasion. Articles
over 6 months old are free.

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